Thomas The Railway Series Wiki



Release Date

February 4 2014

Railway Series Book

Edward the Blue Engine

Previous Episode

Percy Takes the Plunge

Next Episode

Bertie's Chase

Cows is the eight episode of the eleventh season.


Edward is one of the oldest engine on the Island of Sodor because his parts were worn-out for clanking as he runs. One bright and sunny day, Edward is taking some cattle trucks to a nearby market town. The trucks are making a lot of noise, as is Edward by this point. On the line is a field where some cows were grazing. The noise and smoke produced by Edward and the trucks disturbs the cows as they are not used to it. As Edward passes by, a number of cows broke the fence, ran across the line and broke the coupling, caused a truck, the brake van, and the guard to be left behind. Edward, believing the jerk to be the trucks getting up to mischief, continues on his journey, clueless about the mishap. It isn't until Edward gets to the next station that either he or his driver realise what happened.

When Edward came back to the yard, Gordon and Henry has heard all about the accident, and they laughed and teased Edward about how he has let few cows break his train and brags that they can handle the cows easily, which makes Edward angry. Toby felt so cross with the big engine, knowing that they have never seen a cow and how troublesome they are. A few days later, Edward was still in the bad mode when Gordon rushes through Wellsworth with the Express, teasing him. Gordon then continues down the line telling the coaches to hurry. When Gordon approached the bridge, he and his driver thinks they see something on the bridge. The driver shuts off steam, and when Gordon gets closers, he could see a cow standing on the bridge. Gordon did not worry about the cow at all, and so he tries to shoo it, but she couldn't shoo, becuase she has lost her calf and felt lonely. Gordon's crew and the passengers tried to send the cow away, but she refuses to go.

As Henry arrived, he could see a cow as well and tries to make it go away, bit it didn't work, and so Henry backs away and tried not to hurt her. Reversing back to the station, Henry's guard tells the stationmaster about the cow blocking the line. The porter tells the stationmaster that it must be bluebell, and that her calf is at the station ready to go to market. The two men decide to send the calf in a truck pulled by Percy. As Percy arrives at the bridge, he reunites the calf with his mother and the porter has sent the two cows away. As they leave, Gordon and Henry make an agreement not to tell anyone about the incident.






The Railway Stories - Cows!
